The most important thing to have on your pneumatic strapping tools is a FLR (Filter, Lubricator, Regulator). You can buy these from industrial supply houses, and they normally come together. Most strapping tools are set to run around 85 PSI
We like to set the banding regulator 5 PSI higher, around 90 PSI. Setting it a slightly higher will even out when volume goes through the air line. The high side regulator is critical for all tools, as shop air goes up and down. For steel banding tools, they will fail when run 110 – 120 PSI. It is critical for poly banding tool to have an upper pressure limit. The tools have a weld timer, and if pressure increases the amount of heat does too. Too much heat will drop the efficiency of the seal, and is very dangerous!
You should run 3/8″ or larger pneumatic line to your banding station. We have seen time and time again 1/4″ cause problems. The 1/4″ line will start at 90 PSI, but as the pneumatic motor runs, it can drop down to 60 PSI. Some tools will tell you there isn’t enough air (if you know what to look and listen for), but you may not know till a bundle comes loose down the trucking line! The strapping tool manufactures like short hoses, if you need longer hose, you may use a larger 1/2″ pneumatic line.
Most tools like 1 drop of oil per Minute of strapping machine use. Under oiling will show up quickly in polyester strapping tools, they are much more intricate in their pneumatic controls. Signode’s PN2-114 can run for a long time before it will die from lack of oil. But poly tools can start misbehaving the first day! Make sure to keep the oil resevoir filled (we like to give 1 maintenance person responsibility)!
It is nice to get the water out of the lines, and use a dryer when possible. The tools run with normal (non-dried) air, but the maintenance cost will start to add up.